Thursday 19 July 2012

catching up

Been a while since I posted on here and there is lots to catch up on.
Last week I visited the physiotherapist about my arm and she said the movement was so limited I would need a steroid injection before she could do anything.  I had that on Tuesday and our wonderful GP (who is sadly retiring due to ill health at the end of this month) did such a good job that I hardly felt it.  It was very painful for 12 hours post injection but is settling down a little now so I am very hopeful that movement will come back shortly.
I had a conversation with the uni at the end of the week about the clinical placement and found out that they may not be that keen on it happening in Dumfries and Galloway afterall but I will just have to go with the flow on that one.
Last weekend Iwent with guides to the County Camp near Edinburgh.  Bit of a disaster weather wise and we ended up moving the girls out of wet tents.  Anyway - we survived non the worse, if really tired.
Talitha had a great time and loved the high wires and archery, which she was rather good at.  She has found one of our bows and been practicing archery in the garden.
This week we have a busy week.  As well as visiting doctors and juggling conference and return to practice plans we have friends staying with us who work in a Christian school in Burundi.  They used to live in the area and became firm friends so it is great to see them.  They are easy going and helpful around the home so have taken some of the load off me.  One of their daughters was 13 yesterday and we visited the chocolate factory where Ben is working over the summer.  It was good to see him in his work role and busy serving others!
It was also nice to sit and chat to friends for a while.  So much is going on in life at the moment that time out seems rare.  There is always one more form to fill in or person to speak to or plan to make.  Friendship is so important.  We are on a journey and we are not sure where that will take us and the care and support of others is so vital.  As we were leaving the chocolate factory a lady said she had enjoyed seeing the brotherly love among us.  How precious that was.

Monday 9 July 2012

Sore arm, tennis finals and more forest runs

Ran the 5k on Saturday - monthly club handicap.  Unfortunately my shoulder, which has been playing up a lot more recently, started really hurting on the way round.  At about 2 miles I thought I was going to pass out so decided I should give up and walk the rest.  So took ages to go round but at least I will have got the points for attending.  6yos ran his time trial and did it in 30 minutes which was really good.  Have an appointment with GP tomorrow re shoulder.
On Sunday I got up for my usual Sunday morning forest run and 6yos came with me and the dogs.  It is the first time he has come with me and I really enjoyed having him with me.  Because I was able to go more slowly then my arm didn't hurt too much.  That afternoon was the Wimbledon final so we watched that.  It was a good match and I was really hoping Andy Murray would win but it wasn't to be.  Hope he will win one day.
This morning I went to pick 11yod up from camp.  She had won the camper of the year award and also tidy dorm award so we were really proud of her.  She had impressed them with her piano playing as well so all in all her first camp experience was a good one.  When she got home her clarinet teacher phoned to say she had passed her exam with distinction which was very good.
This afternoon I went for a run in the forest with two friends and it was a really good run although quite clammy.  Did about 4 miles altogether and found some new routes again.
All the paperwork is through for the return to practice course so the ball is rolling nicely.  It will be here before I know it.
Rick continuing to paint the kitchen around us and it is already looking much better.

    Last year I gave Rick a little bit of money for a new bike and he has now bought it.  This is him on his first run out with Rosie

Friday 6 July 2012

Forest runs

Had an excellent five mile forest run this morning with 2 friends and the dogs.  Parked in the usual place and ran on some pretty steep tracks and trails so got a good workout for the legs.  I just love trail and forest running - beats road running anytime.  Felt like a really good workout at the end and so wonderful to be out.  It was quite muggy so I wish I had worn my sleeveless top - I should always run in less than I think I should because I get so hot when running.
I wish there were more trail races near here as I feel so much more comfortable than on the road and my lack of speed is much less noticable in the forest.
Nevermind - club 5k handicap tomorrow and I really don't think I will beat last time.  Then I will get up early on Sunday morning and take the dogs in the forest again.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

School Prizegiving

This afternoon we went to the school prizegiving.  Ben's last event at school - he has been in school only 2 years and ended up with school prizes both years!!  Not bad for a home educated child - one to prove the sceptics wrong!
Today he was collecting the prize for Excellence in Sporting Achievement and Positive contribution to the life of the school over the last year.  It's a good school as schools go with real old fashioned standards a the right level of formality.
Now home and watching Andy Murray struggle into the next round at Wimbledon

Leaves me with some faith in the school system and hope for whenever the others are ready to go in.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

soaking wet, painting and club captain

Had a fantastic run in the forest on Monday morning with a running buddy.  It was pouring with rain and we got really wet but we explored some new areas and the forest was sparkling with the raindrops.  The forest streams were flowing fast and the sound of that and the drops of rain made it a beautiful place to be.  Running in that sort of condition adds a different dimension to running and makes it even more exciting. I love forest running.
This morning we decided that we would take the opportunity to paint the kitchen/dining room walls while the children are away so Rick sorted out the paint and started this afternoon while I sorted out a load of cupboards. Hopefully it will be finished in the next couple of days.
    Picture is a blit blurred but shows a bit of how our wall looks!
Also received a picture from a friend today of 13yos when he was made club captain.  Not sure he has done much in the role at the moment but it's good that the other swimmers had confidence in him for the job

Sunday 1 July 2012

Bike rides, quiet times and infected toes!

On Friday morning Rick left with two friends to do a duathalon (17 mile run and 26 mile bike ride) about 6 hours north of here.  He came 11th overall (out of around 150) and 4th in his age group so was very pleased.  13yos got the train to a friend's house on Thursday ready to go away to camp so we were already 3 down. While Rick took him to the train station I had a drs appointment with 11yod because of her infected toe.  Given that she was going away to camp for a week we asked for some antibiotics. Rick leaving on Friday morning took us down to 4 in the house.  I managed to get lunch out with friends on Friday for the first time for weeks as 21yos made lunch for 11yod and 6yos.  Friday afternoon 11yod had her clarinet exam which she thinks went OK - results in about 3 weeks.  I then drove 21yos to his girlfriend's house, 11yod to the friends who are giving her a lift to camp tomorrow and came home with 6yos and his friend.  We were on a tight schedule so I picked up some chips for them and we then went to the outreach meeting our local church runs in the primary school  Really good evening with the minister giving a good word.
So we will have a quiet week without 13yos and 11yod.
On Saturday morning the two young boys and I had to get up and do 13yos's paper round and thankfully the rain held off while we did it.  It showered heavily on and off all day really but the boys had great time playing.  Half way through the day I discovered 11yod's sleeping back and pillow case in our boot which she was supposed to have taken to camp (my fault entirely) so I spent quite a bit of time on the phone and texting some friends to help out.  They all proved how brill they are and she ended up with a couple of offers of sleeping bags and is all sorted out.
When the boy who was staying here was picked up by his mum, they persuaded 6yos to go and stay with them for a few nights which left me home alone waiting for Rick to come in from up north.  Just been the two of us today so been really strange, but nice.  Peace should reign until tomorrow when 22yos comes home.
I went for a run in the forest with the dogs this afternoon and managed to get lost.  So was out for about 1 hour 10 mins instead of 45 mins but had a really good run and discovered a nice part of the forest which I haven't seen before.  I'll be running with a friend in the morning so will take her on that route.  The dogs had a great time.