Friday, 4 January 2013

Hit the 12 miles mark

Yesterday I managed to break the 12 mile barrier.  It was a bit of an event as my running pal and I set out hoping to hit 12 miles but just planning to go with the flow.  After about 1 mile my pal had some pains in her legs which she had last year and caused her to have a break from running so we did some run walks and slower runs which helped but when we hit 4.5 miles out she decided we should turn back.  So when we reached her house we were at about 9 miles.  I knew that I had to carry on and do the extra 3 miles to take me up to 12 miles.  In my head, I knew I would feel so good after doing that and could cross off another goal.  So I carried on in a loop around the town and through some of the streets and got home almost bang on 12 miles.  Incredible feeling to have achieved that.  The run we went out took us up into the lower hills and with the mist hanging round and seeing nothing but sheep and cattle it was a fabulous run.  The weather was quite mild and we missed the rain which had been threatening all morning so it was great to be out.
Rick's parents left this morning and all the older boys have gone back to their various places so things are almost back to normal.  Part of my Christmas present from Rick's parents was some money and I sent for a pair of shoes from John Lewis.  They arrived this morning and I really like them. I ordered two pairs so I could choose the nicest but there is no competition - so I am really pleased with them.
This afternoon I will walk 2.5 miles to my parents and back as I am on a walk day today and this evening my Christmas present from my 13yos is that he is taking me to see the Hobbit.  Hope I am not too cross that it isn't exactly like the book!!
So Happy New Year everyone - no idea what ours will turn out like but step forward in faith.

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