Sunday, 20 January 2013

birthday sleepovers, taking bloods and healthy eating

Been a busy few days but managed to get a run in this afternoon even though it was broken up with a walk to take 11yod to the leisure centre for her swimming club.  Ran down by the river and it was lovely and frosty.  We have escaped most of the snow but it is very cold and I really needed my two layers and my head warmer today.  Once I took 11yod to her swim club I picked 7yos up from tamborelli at the same place and ran home with him on his scooter beside me.  So a bitty run but manged to make 4 miles altogether.
I have some runs booked in already this year
March 16th - 10k in Glenluce
April 27th - 17k in the Lakes
May 8th - 10k in Troon
May ?25th - half marathon in Kirkcudbright
June - half marathon in Stranraer
September - ? using River Ayrway challenge as a training run - running some of it while Rick competes
and another secret one!!
On Friday morning I worked at the health centre again - doing a phlebotomy clinic.  Getting back into the swing of taking bloods again is daunting me more than all the other things in my return to practice course.  Not sure why this is, but it has to be done.  Got on really well and they are very welcoming and helpful.  It will be good to get more work there.  I haven't heard about the other two jobs I applied for so not sure if that means I won't get an interview or that they haven't contact people yet.  I walked to and from the health centre, coming home a long way round so got some brisk walking in.
On Friday tea time 6 of 11yod's friends came for a sleepover to celebrate her birthday which is next week.  It was quite hectic.  They watched a film, had popcorn, played some games and I don't think got much sleep.  They were tired in the morning but we made pancakes, did some craft and they went on the trampoline in the garden for a while.  After hot chocolate and cake they went home around 12 mid day.
Because of all that I didn't mange to run on Saturday so was glad I managed to do quite a bit today.  Probably overdid it on the eating at the sleepover as well!!  We sat down at lunch time today to redo our menu plan so we can concentrate on healthy eating.  I would love us to eat as our French friends do - they have such a good attitude to food.

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