Wednesday, 16 May 2012

out and about

 Didn't have to get up early this morning to do paper round so more of a normal morning.  Why is it easier to get up at 6.30 am than it is at 7.30am?  Anyway - did some sorting this morning.  Rick went for some more swimming practice at lunchtime at the pool and realised that there were a number of my friends there so guess who will be going to the next lunchtime dips!  After that we went for a lovely walk in the hills/forest.  It was great to be out and walking and enjoying the fresh air.
There is always so much do see when you are out like this.  The picture above shows everyone examining a dead shrew which was being taken apart by orange backed beetles.  Very interesting!  It would be nice to spend every day walking and being outdoors but it isn't going to last. Rick was looking at outdoor jobs last night but not much available at the moment.  Lets just enjoy life now!  18yos has an English exam tomorrow so he is busy going over the work for it.  His university place hangs on the biology one next week though so that's the important one.
No running today - good stretch of the legs though and great to be out.  Entered an 11k which is a week on Saturday though while Rick does the half marathon so that should be good.

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