Monday, 7 May 2012

A lazy day

Wanted to go on a cycle ride today with the children but the weather was awful.  So actually not managed any exercise today - even took the car on son's paper round as needed to take the younger two children with me.  Managed to eat well and healthily though so quite pleased with that.
It's so good being a mum - we are reading The Story of the Amulet by E Nesbit so spend a long time this morning reading that to the children. Then watched some wildlife programmes and played some games.  So a lazy day really but cosy.  We are missing hubby and had to chase B up to see when he would be home but altogether life is good (when I remember I almost worry about the job situation but it's not worth it).

As I am running a 10k on Wednesday I am not sure what I should do about exercise tomorrow.  Perhaps a cycle ride or walk would be good.  I am feeling more positive about being in control though and I think that is the key.  Seeing where I want to be and realising that only I can do it.  I will always have to be careful what I eat and always have to push myself to run - but only I am in control of that.
The photo above really inspires me to be out and about.  We live in a wonderful part of the world and I love being outdoors and it is always worth the effort.  That's something to remember when I don't feel  like going out

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