Thursday, 18 April 2013

Travels, Zoos and Colleges

Just come back from a really lovely 6.5 mile run in the forest.  It was true April weather here today - bright sunshine and then really heavy showers.  Not too cold at all.  Given that I haven't had a chance to run since last Saturday it was really lovely to be out and very invigorating.   The plan is going well.  We have our 5 mile club time trail and then AGM on Saturday and then will do shortish runs next week as the following Saturday is my hilly 17k in the Lake District.  All part of the plan.
We traveled up north on Monday morning as 18yos had a few interviews at colleges up there and we were tying in picking up 12yod from her friends.  For a special treat, while 18yos was at his interview I took 7yos to the zoo.  I don't think he will remember the last time he went to a zoo as he was only 2 and we had a lovely time together on Monday.  Great to be able to give him a treat on his own.  It poured down with rain all day in typical Scottish fashion but didn't stop up as all!  In fact, the zoo was almost empty because of it so we had no queues.

We then picked 18yos up and traveled up to Dunblane to our friends' house.  It was good to see 12yod again, complete with fractured arm in a splint.  She had a great time with them and probably didn't want to come home.  We had fun chatting into the night.  I like the picture below but there is another crazy friend missing (and she knows who she is!!)
 On Tuesday we called at the David Livingstone Museum on our way to 18yos's next interview.  It was  a really good museum, very informative and we had a great time there.  Also drove past the university which has given 18yos an unconditional offer of a place - he will really have to weigh up his options before making his decisions.
So we have had a really busy couple of days.  We arrived home on Tuesday evening about 10 pm and were really tired.  I had to do 14yos's paper round on Wednesday morning as he is away and it was pouring down.  I had just collected the papers and was walking up the road in the pouring rain when my wonderful husband pulled up beside me in the car, having dragged himself out of bed to help me with the round.  Boy did I appreciate it.  
Great to be home having had a lovely time, great to have just got back from a really nice run, great to have family here and people who care for me and great to be looking forward to a job I know I will enjoy.  Life is good.

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