Friday, 12 April 2013

Another job!!

Jobs seem to be like buses at the moment - there are none around and then they all come at once.  I had an interview yesterday for a 16 hours a week community work post which would fit in really well with the bank nurse job I got last week.  The interview seemed to go well but as usual I had no idea which way it would go.  I was thrilled to get a phone call a short while after offering me the job!  It is the best possible outcome for us.  Means some solid work and some flexible work and Rick can carry on with his studying.
It took me a while to get my head round it - the fact that I am now a community nurse is quite mind blowing but I am really excited about the job and can't wait to start. It covers a wide area and is very rural with a lot of farms to cover so I will really enjoy that.  I still have the same induction in a week or so and then we are away for a week.  Then I have a shift at the local hospital on 13th April and this job officially starts on 23rd May, although I will probably have to do some induction shifts the week before.
Life has turned on it's head, but in a good way.
I feel shattered this morning for some reason - and headachy and sick.  Probably been too busy and really hope I'm not coming down with something.  I am doing my longer run tomorrow instead of today but will do badminton this evening.

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