Thursday, 7 March 2013

15.5 miles to get a picture for my sister!!!

On Tuesday I had to do my long run on my own as M is away down in England visiting her in-laws.  I was absolutely determined to do 15 miles this week so I could keep ahead of my training plan.  I knew it would be a challenge as the furthest I have run alone so far is 7 miles.  I mapped out my route carefully, going to some places I really love with some good elevation and nice down hills after.  I wanted to be out in the country on my own and really make the most of the challenge.  I got the lunch ready and then set out at around 1 pm.  14yos said he may cycle out to meet me at one of my road stretches and he did just that.  It was good to see him and it was also good that I was further along than he thought I would be.  He took this picture just before he left me - I was at 5 miles at this point.
The weather was ideal - about 9 with blue skies and a slight breeze.  Brilliant running conditions.  When I was running over a farm lane, I came upon some primulas and snowdrops and I thought of my sister in Botswana, who possibly doesn't even read this blog, but I took these pictures for her anyway!!

I felt like I ran really well - no more walk breaks than I expected.  I did struggle a lot for the last three miles but I reckon that is more mental than anything else.  Aimed for 15 and did 15.5 so very pleased.  Shorter runs now until the week after next when I will attempt 17.  I loved being out in the hills alone with lots of thinking time.  I loved the down hill runs and I love how far I am now able to push myself.  There is a real sense of fulfillment in being out and about in the hills and fields and forests and I feel so refreshed when I have been out.
There is so much going on in our lives at the moment, from circumstance change, to parents' aging and returning to nursing - I need that time of refreshing.
Yesterday the home education group went to go to a Wildlife and Wetlands Trust Centre about an hour away from home for some ranger led talks.  I took our 3 youngest and two others whose mum isn't well.  We had a great time.  It was very cold with an easterly wind - a contrast from my run which I am grateful for.  In the morning we observed the whooper and mute swans who are just about to fly back to Iceland for the summer months and learned a lot about them.  In the afternoon we had a touch session and learned more about feathers and also observed and learned about Barnacle Geese and how they are just about to leave for their epic journey to North Norway.  Makes a 15.5 mile run seem like a walk in the park.
Here are some pictures of us enjoying our day.

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome! Congrats!!!!! I hope you reward yourself with something yummy!
