What a busy day today. Saturdays are often jam packed but this one just seemed to have so many events in. This morning 11yod and 13yos went to swim club as usual at 8.30. I got up and went for a 6.2 mile run which was lovely in the late autumn sunshine. While I was out my nephew and 7yos went to see my parents. I asked 7yos if he wanted to come on his bike while I did my run but he didn't want to leave his big cousin alone going to Nana and Grandad's - I thought that was very sweet of him. We had a relatively early lunch and our nephew left to get the ferry to where he was staying overnight. We decided to visit our allocated woodpile in the forest this afternoon to bring back a trailer load. The children (and a friend) enjoyed travelling in the trailer on a bit of the forest road.

While 13yos and Rick loaded the logs onto the trailer the other three children and I went looking for pine cones for some Christmas craft we have in mind. We found lots of small ones which will do and the children had a great time playing for a while. The cones are currently drying in front of the log burner. I love the forest!
The big spoke in the wheel (or log in the window) was that one of the logs was quite long and almost touched the back window so when we drove around the corner to leave the logging area we heard a tremendous bang as the log had pushed in the back windscreen! It had shattered everywhere, mostly inside the boot. So we had to drive home with no back windscreen. Bit frustrating but at least no one was hurt. It can't be fixed until Tuesday as the nearest windscreen place the insurance uses is 70 miles away and they have to send away for it. We had fun when we got back home, taking off the canoe racks and I cautiously edge the van in under the alley way, with Rick hanging off the back to lower the van so that it didn't scrape along the top of the gateway! At least it is out of the way of the wind and rain in there and should be safe! Fun and games
We did some more practicing tonight for our singing tomorrow night, and arranged lifts as we can't use the car.
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