Thursday, 22 November 2012

birthdays, injuries and teeth

Had a lovely birthday.  Loads of lovely pressies - people are so kind to me.  Didn't even wake up until 0845 and Rick brought me a cup of tea in bed.  Then the four children at home piled in and we sat in bed while I opened my pile of presents.  Lots of running stuff, including a Garmin (wow - I really am a runner now) and lovely thoughtful things from the children.  Another thing which Rick bought me was a book by Jeff Galloway named "Marathon - you can do it"!!!!!!  I set myself goals when I have a birthday and one this year is to do more running.  Other goals are more personal but as usual include weight loss and growing as a Christian.
18yos was supposed to be serving at a breakfast at the hotel where he works but his shift was cancelled so he was able to be at home for my birthday, which was really nice.  Missed the other two boys though.

We went out for a lovely walk along the sea shore and took tomato soup and french bread with us for our picnic.  Unusually it was a really nice day - it's normally pouring down on my birthday.  The only thing to put a slight damper on the day was that Rick fell on some rocks and got a deep cut in his hand which bled quite a lot - I had to walk back and get the car and pick them up at the side of the road and drive home to dress it and put some steri-strips on it.
The coast line we walked on was really stunning - the tide was just coming in.  There are little islands dotted around too which make it really interesting. We also walked up a little hill with a viewpoint on top and could see all around.
 Rick managed to loose the ball over a fence and we had some fun retrieving it as the fence was electric!

 Here is a picture of Rick's wound after it had been dressed.  Will take a little while to heal!
This morning I spent another morning with the District Nurses.  Probably the last time I will wear my student uniform.  I enjoyed it although if I worked in the community I think I would really miss the buzz of a ward. The children and Rick seem to get on well with the work while I am away - 7yos managed 7 pages of maths this morning.

Anyway - the hard work will be finding a job.  This evening 7yos came home from his choir practice with two wobbly teeth - one fell out just after he had gone to bed.  He is a dramatic little chappy and was really chuffed that he had lost another tooth.  He has a concert with his choir in two weeks which will be the first time he has sung in a choir concert.

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