Friday, 26 October 2012

Another ambition fulfilled

Today was a sort of milestone.  Since we moved into this area I have wanted to get to the summit of the mountain/hill we can see from our bedroom window.  Fantastic place and Rick runs up and down it regularly.  Only 11yod, 7yos and I hadn't made it for various reasons.
Today was the day!  We decided on today as the mountaineering weather forecast was for bright and sunny, although cold.  We set off at 0930 and while walking though the forest on the lower slopes felt some flurries of snow!

It was a real hike to the top, especially for 11yod and I, and it was icy and slippy the higher we got.  The views over the sea and countryside were stunning all the way though and it was worth a stop to catch breath and take in the views.
There was a real wind chill factor and for once it was great having extra padding as Rick was much colder than I was.  The dogs had a whale of a time of course.  On the way up we could see the footprints in the mud which Rick and his crazy running pals had left last week when they decided to run up and down.
7yos reached the top first due to his excess energy - here he is perched on the trig point.  We didn't spend long at the top - just enough time to down some tomato soup and bread which Rick had carried up in his rucsac. Rick nearly froze!

It was really slippery on the first bit of the path down so we went slowly and it was good to reach the tree line and get away from the wind but it was a great day and so satisfying to be able to look out
 from our bedroom window and know what it looks like at the top.  We will do it again in the spring sometime when we can spend longer at the top and admire the stunning view of the mountains beyond.

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