Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Poor little dog

Wasn't a brilliant anniversary all told.  Fly, the dog, had quite major surgery (probably more than we would have done) and so needed quite a lot of care when she was picked up from the vets and overnight.  She looked really pathetic but was really glad to see us when we picked her up.
She has a drain to be checked, dressings and injections so it's like being back at work!  Will need to get a job asap now to pay the vet bill!!!

Here she is this morning, looking a little more alert.
Probably the nicest thing about our anniversary yesterday was our 18yos coming home to see us.  It is lovely to see him when he isn't working.  He can only stay a couple of nights and isn't even able to stay in his own room due to the work on the roof, but at least that means he gets the guest room.
We'll have to have some little celebration on Friday evening with a cozy fire in the lounge and candles to make up for the lack of even yesterday!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Soft refreshing rain!!

Woke up this morning to go for a little run in the forest.  It was pouring down but I was determined to go.  I guess the extra hour in bed meant I really had no excuse!  When I came down into the kitchen 7yos was playing with the lego already so he asked if he could come with me.  He is great company and runs just at the right speed for me.  We only took one dog as the other is a bit under the weather.
The forest is so lovely in the rain.  The colours are so much more vibrant and the sound of the rain is very calming.  There was no-one else around except for a couple of mountain bikers in the distance and we had a lovely run - the one I call my Sunday morning run.  It is around 2.5 miles and follows a trail through the forest to a loch which we then run around.
There really is nowhere else I would like to be at 8am on a Sunday morning, even in the rain.  My legs were quite sore still from our hill walk but it is such a good feeling to be out in the rain.
On Tuesday I will be tackling a circular run with my friend which is 7 miles from my door.  Before that we have our 24th wedding anniversary tomorrow (wow).

Friday, 26 October 2012

Another ambition fulfilled

Today was a sort of milestone.  Since we moved into this area I have wanted to get to the summit of the mountain/hill we can see from our bedroom window.  Fantastic place and Rick runs up and down it regularly.  Only 11yod, 7yos and I hadn't made it for various reasons.
Today was the day!  We decided on today as the mountaineering weather forecast was for bright and sunny, although cold.  We set off at 0930 and while walking though the forest on the lower slopes felt some flurries of snow!

It was a real hike to the top, especially for 11yod and I, and it was icy and slippy the higher we got.  The views over the sea and countryside were stunning all the way though and it was worth a stop to catch breath and take in the views.
There was a real wind chill factor and for once it was great having extra padding as Rick was much colder than I was.  The dogs had a whale of a time of course.  On the way up we could see the footprints in the mud which Rick and his crazy running pals had left last week when they decided to run up and down.
7yos reached the top first due to his excess energy - here he is perched on the trig point.  We didn't spend long at the top - just enough time to down some tomato soup and bread which Rick had carried up in his rucsac. Rick nearly froze!

It was really slippery on the first bit of the path down so we went slowly and it was good to reach the tree line and get away from the wind but it was a great day and so satisfying to be able to look out
 from our bedroom window and know what it looks like at the top.  We will do it again in the spring sometime when we can spend longer at the top and admire the stunning view of the mountains beyond.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

It must be love

Not sure what my sister-in-law thought of all the cuddles my brother-in-law gave to our dog.  The Williams boys are big softies at heart!!

Little business woman

11yod decided to raise some funds by selling some of her unwanted toys.  So she has her first listing on e-bay!!  This is what she is selling

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Autumn runs and changing rooms

The weather has been great for a few nice runs.  Did 6.2 miles again with friend on Monday - next week we step up to 7 miles!  23yos was home at the weekend and brought a friend home with him which was really nice.  It is great when the older children come home.  This evening I ran down to my parents' house and on Saturday afternoon I ran 3 miles down by the river while 7yos joined me on his bike.
Two of the rooms on the top floor need to be plastered so we have spent the last few days boxing things belonging to 21yos and 18yos so we can get access to the roof.  Lots of chaos up there.  It is school holidays here so 13yos has gone to stay with friends for a few days and 11yod just came back this morning from staying over 2 nights at a friend's house.
Had to have another Hep B jab this morning as I have had a non reaction to the course I had over the summer.  Will have another one in a month and then another test.  It is highly possible though that I will just be a non reactor!!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Cousins and birthdays

We have a busy few days with visitors.  Rick's brother and sister-in-law and three children here for a few days.  The children are loving having their cousins here for a few days and it is great to spend some time with them.  Shame the weather is bad!
The day they arrived was their 4yob's birthday so our children made a banner and put balloons up and enjoyed being with them.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Assignment Submitted and 10k ran!!

Achieved a few things today.  Went to Ayr with 13yos to visit orthodontist who said we should wait a while before considering braces.  13yos happy about that.  Called at Tesco while up there as we usually do to make use of a large supermarket.
Ran 10k this evening with my friend - felt really good and we are on our journey to a half marathon.
Submitted my assignment this evening - now just have to sit back and wait for my grade to see if I can progress to a BSc!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Some updates

Some photos here which haven't been put on before due to time constraints.  Nice to be back in a routine again and finding time to do this, although the pressure is on now to finish my assignment and get it handed in in the next week and we have Rick's brother and family arriving for a few days on Wednesday so life continues apace!!  Hope this upload works as I am using Rick's laptop.
 11yod playing a lovely grand piano at some friends' house near York.  We went down to pick 13yos up from a summer school he attended near there.
We went to an 18th birthday Ceilidh at the end of August and had a great evening!

11yod was baptised by 23yos at in August which was a joy for us

Rick had his 46th birthday at the beginning of October. 11yod tried to make a running shoe out of a carrot cake.  Didn't turn out exactly as she wanted but it was good and tasted lovely.
13yos and 7yos set up an army game on the kitchen table today and had great fun.  They are now trying to make more army men out of melted down old ones, using playdough for the mold.  Great fun!!

Friday, 12 October 2012

Running Again

Got up early this morning and did 13yos's paper round. Not done it for a while so had to concentrate quite a lot.  Then got out at lunch time with friends for a coffee, not done that for a while either.
This afternoon I went running for the first time in over four weeks and it was really good.  Lovely afternoon - cold and crisp and blue sky.  Started back slowly so only did 3.8 miles but was really encouraged that I didn't struggle too much.  We are now on a training plan for a half marathon next year.  On Monday evening we will step up to 6 miles again and then start from there.  We will add on a little more distance each week and see how long it takes us together to get up to 13.1 miles.  Game on.

Disappointments and Encouragements

Life is full of ups and downs, thankfully more ups than downs usually.  Just now, I guess there are more downs than usual for us.
Having a plan to work towards is always a good thing, and we definitely have a plan which we are working together to bring about.  However, the first glitch in that plan happened on Wednesday last when I went for an interview for a job I really wanted and would really have done well but didn't get the job.  Really thought it was going to be the job for me so I feel quite confused about where to go now.  Nursing jobs are hard to come by these days!
Having a strong and loving relationship is really important at all times, and more than ever now do Rick and I appreciate each other.  It was wonderful to get a lovely bunch of flowers when I finished my last shift from him and for the children to tell me he had carved our initials on a tree in the woods.  These are the ups which are more precious than gold.
It's nice being at home again, although still got some academic work to finish off.  Rick has started his studying now and I think there is a measure in which he is enjoying it.
Had a lovely walk for Rick's 46th birthday on Monday, around the coast near Port Patrick.  Weather was really good and views were stunning.
Running has gone out of the window a little for the last month - too busy,  This afternoon I am going on a run with a friend to try and get the momentum back again.
Onwards and upwards and forward to a new future!!!