Saturday, 7 December 2013

Busy times

Posting on this blog seems to be slipping.  It feels at the moment that there are really not enough hours in the day.  Work is busy, the children are busy, home life is busy.........
Some things we have done recently though.
We had a great day at the running club awards session.  The run was a 5.6 mile run around a local loch with the children doing a smaller run of one mile.  Barnaby joined us adults around the loch and ran a brilliant time, beating a lot of the adults showing what a good runner he is for his age.  Rick as usual was speedy and I plodded along at the back of the pack where I am happy.  We had a great buffet and games time and then the awards ceremony where I was shocked to win a prize for the most improved between 2012 and 2013.  Really thrilled.
Spent a good day shopping (it that is possible) with Talitha last week.  Managed to get her bridesmaid material to make her dress and spent my birthday money on a pair of boots which I really like.  Successful day.  A week of annual leave was spent shopping, tidying and seeing people I keep missing by being busy in work.
Barnaby went to France with school for 5 days and had a really good time including enjoying the chance to show off his French fluency to his fellow students.  They visited the Omaha Beach and the American graves plus the war museums and a Christmas market.  Had a really good time by all accounts.
Max was invested into cubs last Wednesday and below is a photo of him taking his promise very seriously before shaking the cub leader's hand with a scout handshake.
Work is busy as usual but I am really loving it.  It is great to love your job.  Last night was a Christmas night out with one of the GP practices I work with.  It was a great night with everyone together and really good food and company.  I am blessed to work with such lovely people. The first photo is of the 4 district nurses, 3 district health care assistants and 2 practice nurses.
Below is my main course - cod and swede.  Lots of vegetables to go with it made it a really nice and very filling dish.
Below is my Charge Nurse, Lisa about to enjoy the same dessert that I ordered - meringue.  Really lovely food at the Clansman Restaurant in Port William.

Tonight Rick has taken the scouts on a sleepover in the forest youth hostel and they are doing a night walk among other things.  Tali has gone with him so myself and the boys are at home.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Merry Christmas! Wishing you and your family a peaceful and joyous New Year. I'm so glad your still posting. Please know, while I don't always get to leave a comment, I always read all your goings ons.
