Friday, 8 June 2012

swimming, sewing and goodbye to a dog

On Wednesday I went swimming for the first time in ages.  I am a useless swimmer as I don't put my head under water but think it will be good for me to go and do some other exercise than running and also hope it is good for the shoulder pain.  There is a lunchtime dip session at the local pool and a couple of friends go sometimes so Rick and I will go each once a week.  Having said that, the friend who was there on Wednesday looked impressive in her swimming, but, like with my running, I will have to just do my own thing and not mind how bad I am.  I managed 18 lengths before my shoulder started to play up and I was actually really pleased with that.
Yesterday evening we made the sad decision to have one of our Springers put down.  She was 15 years old and had begun to really struggle so it just wasn't fair to see her miss out on so much that she loved when she was fit.  It was a hard decision (Rick struggled more than me with it I think) but definitely right.  We do miss her though, and I think the other Springer does too, although the border collie likes the move onto a bigger bed I think.
I think the above is a beautiful picture of Missi when she was well and enjoying life and that is how I will remember her.  Dogs are so unconditionally giving - I couldn't be without one.
Today I had a sewing workshop day with a local textile artist who is also a friend (  I got on with a quilt I was making which I managed to finish both the top and bottom of so only have to pad and quilt now.  I also managed to start on a bargelo quilt and managed to sew all the strips together of that.  So altogether a very productive day.
Throw into the mix packing for camping and a couple of good hard games of badminton this evening and you have a very busy day.  No video tonight though as Rick was up at 6.30 am to do 13yos's paper round, then did a 17 mile cycle ride, then looked after the children all day and he will be up in the morning to leave at 7.30 am for a 60 mile cycle race he and some friends are doing about 25 miles away.  I'll be running the running club 5k handicap and spending the rest of the day finishing packing!!!  

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