Tuesday, 29 April 2014

back to the beginning

I haven't used this blog for ages.  The main reason has been time pressure but also because I haven't really been committed to my running and fitness.  Therefore the weight has gone back on again and I feel so unfit.
I have decided to take this blog back to being about my running journey.  It isn't something that most people would be interested in but it is important to me to write about it and review how it has been going.
I have been out a few times over the last few weeks, both on my own and with my running friend.  After not being able to run for various reasons over the winter and also not really watching what I was eating, I feel as though I am back to square one and that is how I have to treat it.  I need to start again.
Having said that, I feel as though the come back is going well.  I am run walking and am slower that I was this time last year but I am loving being out.
Last weekend I joined some others in the running club as they ran a 5 mile run round a castle grounds about an hour away from here.  13yod and 8 yos and I ran 3 miles which was our goal and for all of us that was a good thing.  We felt we had achieved our goal.
This evening my friend and I went into the forest to do a four mile hilly run and we ran 4.5 miles.  We walked the hills and could really feel the back of our legs pulling.  Felt great to be out again and the weather was glorious.  The journey commences again.

What do I want to achieve?  Back to at least the level of fitness I was at last year.  A few 5 or 6 milers over the summer and a half marathon in the autumn...................................then a marathon in the spring of 2015.  I am 50 in November and that would be a great way to celebrate reaching half a century!!