Sunday, 30 June 2013

my longest run yet and other events

It has been a good week again.  Work has been busy but thoroughly enjoyable.  The weather has been more mixed but that hasn't mattered really.  14yos had his last week in school before the summer holidays and seems to have settled in really well.
I did a 5 mile forest run with my friend Marie on Tuesday evening which was good.  My hip seems to have fully recovered now so I am pleased with that.
The highlight of the week was yesterday.  All the younger children were either going to camp for a week or staying with a friend.  We set off early on Saturday morning to drop them off to make the journey to the camp and then Rick and I headed up north to Balmaha so we could do a long run on the West Highland Way.  We had a wonderful day.  We set off from Balmaha together, although of course didn't stay together. We were to run for 5 hours - 2.5 out and 2.5 back.  It is quite a tough run - lots of rocky ascents and descents as well as some lovely stretches right along the shore.
This picture is one of the first I took where you run near a campsite next to the loch.  This view is north.
This view is south from the same spot.  The weather was ideal for me running.  It wasn't too hot but it didn't actually rain at all.  At first I wondered if the cloud would be low so I would miss the views but that wasn't the case.
The photo above is the only one I got of any part of me.  I meant to ask Rick to take a photo of me at the finish but I was so shattered I forgot.  I also forgot that I can turn my phone around and take a photo of myself but then it might not have been a pretty sight!
This photo is just after quite a rocky steep ascent which wasn't at all easy.  When I was going through these forest areas, quite alone, the sounds of the birds were amazing - some I really could not identify.  It was almost like the sounds of a rainforest.  The wild flowers were lovely too.  I cannot really describe how much I loved this run.  There were a number of walkers out although there were long periods where I didn't see anyone.
I ran out for 8.75 miles and then back again.  This photo is just before my turn around point. The midges were out in force but they left me alone until I stopped.  I had my 2 pieces of cadburys dairy milk here and then pushed on to the turn around point.
Running back past the lake I took this photo when I had my cereal bar but didn't stop long - had to out run those midges!!
On the stretch above I didn't see anyone for around 6 miles and it was a wonderful feeling to be out alone in these conditions.  The views were lovely although by this time the mist was starting to come down.  There was lots of thinking time which I enjoy and I sure do love heading out alone and just doing what I can, enjoying the solitude and the beauty of creation.  The West Highland Way is a wonderful place - almost magical in parts - away from the campsites and visitors centres - and I would love the opportunity to run more of it.  One thing I have decided is that, for now, I just want to go on my own long runs, probably while Rick is training.  I am so busy with work and it is not fair on the children for me to devote serious training days, and actually, I was feeling the pressure of that.  So I made the decision that I will just run without the pressure of doing an official race.  Therefore, I will marshal at Rick's ultras and try and run some training runs at the same time as him for the sheer pleasure of it.  Next year I will run in a relay on the West Highland Way and take it from there.  Pressure off and enjoyment on!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

another week speeding by

I really can't believe the longest day of the year is over already!  Where is summer?  It has been busy with work again and I am still really enjoying it.  We have had some good weather this week and I really enjoy driving around on my calls by the coast.
On Monday the children played in an end of term orchestra concert - 14yos plays cornet, 12yod plays clarinet and 7yos plays recorder.  It was a lovely little concert, and much improved from the last time I heard them in practice.
I haven't run at all this week - still making sure that this hip is OK. I am planning on a 5 miler with my friend on Tuesday evening, trails probably.  Rick and I are planning a run on the West Highland Way, which is a long distance footpath along the shores of Loch Lomond, on Saturday.  We'll set off at Balmaha and run for 2.5 hours out and then 2.5 hours back.  We will, of course, not cover the same distance as each other, but I would like to be somewhere near 20 miles.  Really looking forward to is as I have always wanted to run on the West Highland Way.  This Saturday will help me decide whether I am really able to do the 33 mile run I would like to do at the beginning of November.  Training is hard just now because of work and hip and I have to decide if putting the work in is realistic.  Have to decide by 1st July as that is when bookings open and the available places fill up really fast.
Wednesday evening was the scouts BBQ at one of the local beaches where Rick and two other scout leaders cooked 300 sausages/burgers on the BBQs to feed a mass of beavers, cubs, scouts and their families.  It was a great evening and the weather was really good.
Our 19yos took and passed his driving test on Thursday this week and on the first attempt as well.  I was really pleased for him.  He did stay calm and worked hard and so deserved to pass.  It also means he is one up on his parents and older brothers as we all took more than one attempt!
This afternoon was the swimming club championship gala.  14yos, 12yod and 7yos are in the swimming club and they all swam well and won some of their races.  There was also a race against ex-club members and 19yos swam in that.  Really good afternoon and really proud of the children!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

busy weeks

Life has been very busy for the past week - hence the lack of posts.  After my lovely run in the forest on Sunday morning my hip was sore again so I decided to rest it again.  It is perhaps a good job as I have worked a lot this week, covering someone who is on holiday.  It has been an "in at the deep end" thing but I am loving it and the other members of the team are really supportive.  So although it is totally solo working with my own caseload, I have others to discuss things with should I need to.
On Monday 14yos started school for the first time (although he had been when on his 6 month exchange to France).  He has now finished his first week and seems to have enjoyed it an settled in OK.  He already knew some people there.  He found most of the work fine and got good marks on his homework.
So only two at home now........where did the years go?
On Wednesday evening Rick took the scouts and they had Highland Games.  7yos was allowed to go with them and he really enjoyed it.  Some of it had to be held indoors unfortunately as it was raining quite a bit but we are used to that in Scotland!
It has been a strange week with me working almost full time.  That won't be the norm except for when I a covering holidays.  12yod is enjoying the freedom of having free range in the kitchen and has done lots of baking.  Talking of free range, we have tonight picked up 4 more chickens which needed a new home.  They are brown standard farm yard chickens and will hopefully lay better than the rare breed ones we already have!!
This afternoon, as it is Father's day, 19yos made a Sunday dinner and 12yod made a lovey cheesecake and while they were making them, Rick, 7yos and I went for a little run/bike ride.  We ran around a local pond in the woods and it was really nice.  My hip is still sore but I will plod on and do some short runs this week before the club 5 mile time trail on Friday.
22yos and 19yos have found a flat in Edinburgh for where 22yos will be working and 19yos at college.  They move in on 13th July - looks like me doing the moving with them as Rick has an ultra that day!!
Life is good.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

walks, waterfalls and wonder

We had a great day yesterday.  Lots of us were doing interesting things.  23yos was visiting his girlfriend in Leeds before coming home for a while.  It will be really good to have him home.  22yos was at his home in the big city and 19yos was away with friends.  14yos had arranged to meet some friends at the beach given that the weather was so good, and they had a great day by all accounts.  12yod was at a water activity centre as part of the annual trip organised by the junior youth fellowship she attends.  So they were all busy.  Rick wanted to do a long run so 7yos and I decided to do a walk up in the hills while he was running.  As it was such a lovely day we took a picnic to have when we all met up again after Rick's run.  It was really quite hot but so beautiful to be out!
 There are so many wild flowers around and the forest floor was carpeted with bluebells.  When we got back to the car we got our wild flower book out to identify some we didn't know.
 The path we took winds alongside some rapids and then a calmer part of the river, before crossing over a wooden bridge with stunning views out the the hills.  Then it meanders along through fields and woods with the river never far away.  The photo above shows the view out to Bennan, the hill I ran up and down in January.
 It was such a hot day and this crazy dog found every piece of mud and pool of water to get herself into in order to cool down.  She knows how to do a walk!!
 Once we met up again and had our picnic, we sat by the waterfall and Rick and the other dog got in the water to cool down.  I love the photo above of Fern peeping through the grasses.  She so loves being outdoors.
One man and his dog (or his son's dog!)

 Max had a great time in the river trying to work out how to get across without getting his shorts and T-shirt wet.  Not sure why he didn't want to go in all the way but he must have had some reason.  He spent about 3 minutes turning round and round on this rock to try and work out the best way to get off it dry!
The picnic spot was lovely, right by the visitor's centre which was closed for refurbishment (what a daft time of year to do that) and I love using the picnic rug which my great friend Jenny made for me and the bag which my sister bought for me in South Africa.
Two of my wonderful family - one wet and one dry and it's not the way round you would think!  A lovely day out.
Then this morning I got up early and took the springer into the woods for a little run to see how the hip held up (have been resting it since the half marathon as it has been sore).  All went well and it was a truly amazing run.  The little pain ran through a whole swathe of bluebells and red campions and was so beautiful.  I found myself singing under my breath

When through the woods, and forest glades I wonder
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees
When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And see the brook and feel the gentle breeze

Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art

And when I think, that God His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in
That on the Cross, my burden gladly baring
He bled and died to take away my sin.

Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee
How great Thou art, how great Thou art

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Today has been a day of extreme in some ways.  Rick had his end of year science exam which he found really tough.  He has worked really hard and deserves to pass!!  My mum had a wee fall this morning so has some bruises which is not nice.
However, the weather has been gorgeous and we had set aside today to climb one of the Galloway Hills.  We had a great time.  It is about 8 miles from the car park to the summit and back.  Here are the photos.

Monday, 3 June 2013

the beauties of Galloway

Another lovely day nursing in the Galloway countryside.  It was drizzling slightly when I left home but by the time a reached my first patient the sun was peeping through the clearing clouds.  The cockerel was still crowing on the small holding I was visiting and the chickens seemed excited to see me!  45 minutes later saw me driving down the hill to the shore road, with the sparkling blue sea stretching out in front of me.  It had warmed up nicely by now and I really did thank God for placing me in such a beautiful place.  As I got out of the van at the surgery to pick up my new patient list, I could smell the salty sea air and feel the slight breeze coming in off the waves.  It is good to be alive.  Throughout all my calls I could see, smell and hear the tractors silage making and, having to drive slowly behind the odd one making its was from field to farm was a small price to pay for the joy of the countryside.  The Galloway hills seemed to sway in the haze of the late morning/afternoon sun and the early summer colours seemed really vibrant.  Nursing in the community is a privilege but even more so in beautiful Galloway.
I came home to find 12yod had made home made bread rolls and 19yos had done the shopping.  Rick has spent his last day revising today and sits his end of year exam tomorrow.  I know he will do fine but he will be in my thoughts the whole day tomorrow.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

half marathon photos, birds and mice

Busy, busy. Been working quite a lot this week (I love my job) and Rick is busy revising. Here are some photos of the BBQ after the half marathon, as well as the club before starting off.
 Photo above is the running club - already getting warm and more than a little nervous (me)
 Above is Rick and two friends at the post half marathon BBQ we had.  It was a lovely relax after the hard work.
19yos  organised a game of touch rugby which involved all ages.  They really enjoyed it.  In black is 14yos and behind him is 7 yos.
 Above is Rick with two friends who made up the man's team. They took the team prize for 2nd male team.  Rick got a £10 M and S voucher which he kindly handed over to me - I think I deserved it for my first half marathon!!
 7yos either fell out of bed or fell asleep while playing.  He was really fast asleep when my nephew, who was staying, went up and took this photo.  Needless to say we didn't leave him there all night!
The swallows have arrived home for the summer and are nesting in our outbuilding again.  I love to see them sweeping in and out.  I hope they manage to raise a good family this year.  We also have a wren nesting in there this year which is a first.
19yos and I were sitting in the kitchen on our computers last night when this little chappy ran into the room.  After a brief chase, 19yos managed to catch him and he was totally unfazed by the attention.  We called him Jerry and popped him in the utility room!  Not seen him since!